Cassels Word of Mouth Marketing
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Listed in Marketing Services
- 164 Innisfil Street #109, Barrie, ON L4N 3E7, Canada
- 705-721-0727
Did you know you are competing with everyone, at networking events, to get the audience’s attention? Your business card represents you, when you are not at these events. So let’s look at your business card, does your look like everyone else’s. Is it irresistible and gets you results?
I have seen thousands of business cards. The majority have their Logo on one side and contact info on the other, no offer. Your business card is an promotional tool that should bring you measurable results. or is it put into business file box never to be found. Your business card is you.
I am in the process of creating my new card, entitled ‘Buy Mr. Bob a Coffee’ program
• My card is oversized 3 X 5, so it does not fit into a card file
• It has a FREE coaching offer “Uncover New Sales Opportunities”
• Targets small business owners that are not satisfied with their current marketing results
• It is designed to get me referrals, appointments, offer value first and build relationships
What does your business card do for you? Want to see mine? Let’s get together and see if I can help you make you Irresistible.
‘Buy Mr. Bob a Coffee’ and get a FREE ½ hour WOM/Relationship Marketing session in person or online.
Contact Mr. Bob at 705-721-0727, , Skype: mrbobsnetwork
Mr. Bob 705-721-0727 164 Innisfil St, Suite 109 Barrie L4N 3E7
Cassels Marketing div of The Cassels Corporation,