BrandBeat Inc.

Added by Kari Watson

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Listed in Marketing Services

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You’ve already made the most important investment in your business – your brand!

BrandBeat Inc. is a knowledgeable resource for marketing materials and promotional merchandise that will help you build and maintain your character among your clientèle. We specialize in consultative brand development through the use of recognition and incentive solutions, driven to increase your presence in today’s market. A valuable addition to your marketing team, without being and addition to your payroll.

We strive to provide you with suitable, affordable ideas to help engage your clients. BrandBeat Inc. not only showcases the new and trending items, we also have the capabilities to source unique products and create custom concepts that will surely spark a conversation.
We determine, through meeting with you and your marketing team, the best products that will have the farthest reach with your consumer – A B2B2C model.
Remember: it’s not just about the product, it’s what that product says about you! We have a vast range of supplier-partners who utilize the most cutting edge decoration methods which can take your brand to the next level.

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